Looks like Erlang/Elixir’s OTP model.

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or Golang goroutines

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That was my first thought as well!

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Actor model is rarely used, we use it in Scala in some of our projects. I think its underrated.

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good to know, Junaid. Thanks

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How many actors were used per virtual machine and what was a single VM resource configuration?

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Why are you writing one sentence per paragraph? It’s so annoying to read this article.

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I see, thanks for the feedback.

I'll try to improve my writing skills.

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Don't listen to him, I think it looks better with the shorter text bodies

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Actors are independent from each other, but transactions might not. How actors are handling situations when they need to communicate between each other?

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Typically actors do processing and then hand the resulting message off to another actor. It’s just another message, same model.

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Isn't it kind of same as producer consumer model ?

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How many actors were used per virtual machine and what was a single VM resource configuration?

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