This is quite cool. I was wondering how this would work in a small village where I live where there are limited iPhones nearby, but you answered this nicely. Super informative, Kim! 👏
I think this really shows what kind of products you can build at a big company. Without the iPhone being extended enough, this product wouldn’t have been born.
good question, I think having a custom chip and sending only the necessary data is the answer. Probably they adjust the broadcast power based on its movement and proximity of devices.
I don't know if more information is available in the public domain.
This is quite cool. I was wondering how this would work in a small village where I live where there are limited iPhones nearby, but you answered this nicely. Super informative, Kim! 👏
without iPhones or other Apple products nearby, it won't work; I use Moto Tags for Android. Happy to read your comment, Akos.
oh, I didn’t know Android had its own thing for this too. 🙌
I think this really shows what kind of products you can build at a big company. Without the iPhone being extended enough, this product wouldn’t have been born.
true, waiting to get more alternatives for the Android market.
[...] The AirTag broadcasts its public key every 2 seconds over BLE.[...]
I'm wondering how they optimize this to ensure that it does not consumer too much battery.
Thanks for sharing Neo!
good question, I think having a custom chip and sending only the necessary data is the answer. Probably they adjust the broadcast power based on its movement and proximity of devices.
I don't know if more information is available in the public domain.
Can some one else tap that broadcasted public key as an air tag leading to wrong locations for the air tags?
Doesn't it create legal/ethical problems to move someone's data with another person's phone, without them knowing or consenting about it?
They rotate public keys and the whole data transfer is anonymized + encrypted.
I don't know if opting out from the crowdsourcing network is possible.