Love your posts but imho, you use too many short sentences, it really takes me as a reader out of the narrative thought sometimes.

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I see, I need to find a balance between making sentences simpler but not too short.

Thanks for your feedback, Daniel. I'll try to improve my writing skills - still working on it.

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Light yet informative read, Neo! Thank you for putting the effort.

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thanks, Basma

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Hi, thanks for spending time writing a short and concise post again. But I believe the arrow direction in the diagram of the "High-Level Architecture of Disney+ Recommendations" part might be improved.

I think the direction should be User --> Content Servc --> Recmd Tables <-- Recmd Services <-- data stream <-- ML

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thank you for the feedback, Duke

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Love these! Short and easy to understand for PMs 😌

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I'm happy to read your feedback.

I didn't know Product Managers were also in the audience - I'm glad.

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